Create | Print | Email checks, invoices, statements

Create | Print | Email checks, invoices, statements Capture, Classify, Extract, Verify data from forms. Configure complex rules in order to streamline processing.

Automate your statements, invoices, checks and account sensitive information
Create / Print / Email checks, invoices, statements and much more from blank paper stock

InterLaser Secure Laser Document Solution is an interface application that provides the ability to produce different documents, such as invoices, orders, taxes, payrolls, etc... from plain white paper stock.  You can also create and electronically sign checks from a blank, colored, perforated check paper stock.

  • Unlimited personalized forms
  • Graphical environment that let's you move objects such as logos (bitmap), boxes and rounded boxes, ellipses, text, rotated text, lines, etc.
  • Manage overflow
  • Multiple printers you can define to print documents(1 original and 4 copy's)
  • Duplex printing
  • Export the data to an Excel file or Xml file
  • Audit report (printing)
  • Capabilities of sending e-mail
  • Produce JPG, PDF or TIFF document image
  • Archive to keep your data for consulting
  • Automatic processing (Background printing)
  • Portrait or landscape printing on either letter or legal paper
  • Password management (security)
  • SmartCard technologies to be able to start printing (security)
  • Bilingual (English or French)
  • User friendly
  • and more...
  • One standard blank check paper stock can be used for all checks.
  • The second input tray feature allows printing of non-check output on plain white paper stock and full page stub overflow.
  • The whole check is produced, encoded with the MICR font and signed in one step. The signing process is reduced or eliminated, via Signature Limit Control.
  • The handling of pre-printed check paper stock is eliminated. No more paper handling, such as decollating, bursting, or manual sorting is required. The alignment and test check before the run is eliminated.
  • The check number generated by the Client's existing system(s) will be printed on the check and will be the same number encoded on the MICR line. This allows for easy reconciliation between the Client's bank statement and Client's existing system(s).
  • Blank check paper stock with built-in security is used. Pre-printed check paper stock -- complete with MICR line and ready for forged signatures -- is not used.
  • Not only is a hardware-based PC Security Plug used, SmartCard technology is also used for access to the encrypted signatures and MICR font.
  • Multi-level Passwords are used to control access.
  • The InterLaser Solution automatically deletes the ASCII file of check data at the end of the check run by default.
  • Client-set Signature Limit Control controls the number of signatures printed one each check according to check value.
  • Audit Reports detail the check printing process. Wallpaper feature: payee name and amount printed repeatedly in diagonal on the face of the check as a watermark.